
wasting time

neat places to get lost.

andy foulds : interactive play.

typoGenerator made.
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above found via thanks!


bah hum bug

last week i received 2 credit card offers in the mail.
this week, so far, and it's only tuesday?, i have received 5.

i envision my mailbox overflowing with these offers to undo all the productive dave ramsey work i have been doing these last 8 yrs.

i see a cross held up over this pile of envelopes ~ that are full of empty promises of instant money that they want to loan me in order to throw it at "corporate america" ~ as i put a match to it.

i see.. more junk credit card mail and "many, many more" matches in my immediate future.


where are the stairs

"I am interested only in the basement of the human being."
Sigmund Freud

i have attempted to express in writing my go-rounds with compassion or lack thereof.
i stumble and whine while "Mystic Cowboy: Facing demons" flows.



shake, rattle and roll

view recent world earthquake activity.
i've felt the shockwaves from a few earthquakes.
in 1994 i felt lucky to be in our home in the valley when the los angeles one hit.

looks like calif is getting more than it's fair share lately.
still sure you don't want to move out here micheal?


guilty pleasures

if you were raised catholic in the 50's and 60's, as i was, than you know what i am talking about when i say, "no, i can't do that, he is watching me."
this was so ingrained in me, i used to think he could see me with my flashlight under the covers reading, (this was considered a sin way back in the old days) when i was supposed to be trying to get to sleep so i could get up in the morning for school.
i would always end up feeling guilty for just "thinking" about this "evil" thing i wanted to do.

as my boys grew up and became sexually active i knew i couldn't just stand back and keep my mouth shut about certain things.
so, i started on them young. well, actually, not to young, more like around the time i figured they were "thinking" about doing the "evil thang".
over the years it became increasingly difficult to come up with new and fresh ways to present the condom/baby idea in a humorous manner so they wouldn't stand there with their eyes glazed over.

to this day i look for ways to present my ideas of sexual responsibility. this seems to be working so far. no grandkids yet and no std's. go mom yeah!

but anyway... on to the tale.

i have a friend in colorado who sent me a link a couple of months ago to a site and a little clip he had posted done to the tune of the old slinky ditty. (that's all i'll say on that. you have to go hunt the clip down yourself. enjoy, my belly hurt from laughing so hard the first time i explored his site.) i've been reading his site ever since.
well, the other day he posted a link saying .. here ya go ladies. enjoy. to my surprise it was most decidedly not enjoyable. so i shot him an e-mail off.

his gift to us - ladies. the world according to trip (nsfw)
now - i'll take one of these and oh, one of those and....
~ guilty pleasures ~

thank you tripmine. you so rule!


on facing up to adversity

it's a troublesome world,
all the people who're in it
are troubled with troubles
almost every minute.

just tell yourself, duckie,
you're really quite lucky!
some people are much more...
oh, ever so much more...
oh, muchly much-much more
unlucky than you!

- did i ever tell you how lucky you are?

i learned there are troubles
of more than one kind.
some come from ahead
and some come from behind.

but i've bought a big bat.
i'm all ready, you see.
now my troubles are going
to have troubles with me!

- i had trouble in getting to solla sollew
theodor seuss geisel (1904-1991)


thank you

a couple of days after my oldest son was stabbed in the face and back by a punk crack head at one of our local convenience stores here in our "normally" quiet, sleepy town, i brought my anger to my blog.

since then we have received many well wishes from those of you that have read about it.
we are deeply touched by your kind words.
i cried reading some of the emails and i am grateful that i have my son.

he is well, healing nicely and back to his routine.
i pray that you and yours are as blessed as i feel right now.
thank you

tym okiem

tym okiem - all i can say is WOW. absolutely beautiful.


howard zinn says

The Missing Voices of Our World
"The Preamble to the United States Constitution, which declares that 'we the people' wrote this document, is a great deception. The Constitution was written in 1787 by fifty-five rich white men -- slave owners, bondholders, merchants -- who established a strong central government that would serve their class interests."

got it?

hey - can we start this revolution - soon? Please?

memories from the past

fort campbell ky - remember grandma chasing mom around because she allowed pat to swim in hole-y underwear? /wink

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germany - my memories of germany are wrapped around the incredible sensation of my first taste of german chocolate ice cream, cuckoo clocks, throwing up after eating black bread, (still dislike rye to this day) gummy bears and leiderhousen - wonderful place to be a child.

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no - you can not have my children

i was kindly pointed to the article below over at snopes - thank you btw.

draft fear
"Since a reimposition of conscription would require Congressional approval, which has not yet been given, it is unlikely that a draft (even if approved by Congress) would be underway as early as Spring 2005"

letting my breath out now.


Government Looking at Military Draft Lists
"The Selective Service System (SSS) and the U.S. Department of Education now are gearing up to compare their computer records, to make sure all men between the ages of 18 and 25 who are required to register for a military draft have done so."

most of my young life was spent growing up in a military family.
my father was in vietnam (two tours of duty if my memory serves me right).
my youngest brother is in afghanistan right now and has had duty in various other third world countries over these last few years.

growing up an army brat was an enlightening experience for me, we were introduced to different cultures and mind-sets that most people i know don't have the privilege of experiencing. but that is another topic.

i am very concerned with this scrutinizing of the draft records. two of my sons are of age and registered but i am so totally opposed to this iraq fiasco.
oh, what to do - what to do.

*do not get me wrong.
i support our troops one hundred percent.
what i do not agree with is this senseless killing of innocents.

now - of course, my perfect world would include the ability for our military to take out the scumbags yet allow the innocent mothers and children caught up in this to be able to function in a semi-normal manner.
so much for a perfect world.

i am a mother what the hell else you expect? i am selfish.
i don't want to be one of the poor mothers that have already lost their precious sons and daughters to this war.

our government is out of control. period.


crack heads need to fall off the face of the planet

this has been so upsetting to me i am almost beside myself.

my oldest son and his dad went to the golden gallon in triune to get dessert as the store in our little town was closed for the night.
as my son's dad was coming out of the store a man standing outside started verbally harassing him.
he responded with "hey dude, no reason to act that way. i don't even know you."
the man then pushed him.
my son saw this and walked over to see what was up, asking his dad what the problem was and if he was o.k. he then asked this weirdo why he pushed his dad.
the man responded by throwing a beer bottle at my son then picked up the broken bottle and stabbed my son in the face.
my son grabbed his shirt as he fell taking this ass wipe down to the ground with him.
as my son got up and started walking towards his dad with blood streaming down his face, this ass wipe pulled a knife and stabbed him in the back.

customers in the store got his license plate number as this piece of crap took off.
the police showed up and after my son was seen in ER and sewn up, told us this man, by the name of james leon oglesby, was a crack head and wanted for murdering his uncle and stabbing his mothers b.f. in the back.

the last couple of days have been spent talking to the deputy that is assigned to the case. he informed us he has a personnel vendetta against this punk.
lucky for us, this is not going to be swept under the rug.

dear lord, what in the hell is wrong with people.

my son will have a couple of new scars but is still in shock that this got out of hand so quickly.
i don't usually wish ill on others .. .. but this ass wipe and ALL crack heads need to fall off the face of the earth and die a fiery death in hell.

*my son was extremely lucky. 4 stitches on his nose and the knife wound on his back is very shallow. Thank you Lord.


another bush flub up

Joke Waller-Hunter of the Bonn-based Climate Change Secretariat, which services the protocol, said only four industrialized countries have not yet ratified the Kyoto Protocol: Australia, Liechtenstein, Monaco and the United States.

updated 11/21/04 - bush is afraid of the auto industry. bet me. just bet me

The US, responsible for about a quarter of the world's gas emissions, has refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. The agreement, negotiated in 1997, requires industrial nations to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases below 1990 levels.

President Bush argues the plan is too costly and unfairly excludes developing nations.
bbc news

EXCUSE ME? what a wieney!

kyoto protocol laid out at wikipedia

nrdc clearly disagrees with bush.

obviously nothing is perfect but we sure as hell need to start somewhere.


terraserver 6.0

terraserver 6.0 homepage : i found me can you find you?

way cool


abolish cars

ever make the mistake of mentioning that bonus or pay raise, or the fact that you have been invited to Switzerland by your "honey bunny", to a passenger while in your "set of wheels"?
i did and this is what my "little blue bomb" did for me as a way of saying

thanks info!!

1. alternator = $0 (traded "old white bomb" that's been sitting in the driveway for the last 3 yrs)
2. two front tires and front brakes = $235.83 - went in for just tires. of course.
3. throttle angle sensor = $797.24 - sometimes you make it really difficult to like you honda - i mean come on !
4. water pump, belts, oil change/tune-up = $634.59 - this guy tried to charge me for a power steering belt. i had no clue i had power steering! ha, i don't


moral of this tale? never ever talk about $$'s while in your "set of wheels" - it will bite you.


candy stores

sites like these

drive me bonkers.
it's like walking into the candy store - i want to play with every single thing i find there. this addiction started back when i bought my first commadore 64 and you had to know dos in order to load a program.
usually the only thing i "accomplish" at these sites is a fresh clean install of the original o.s.
all in good fun.


odd rules

during my one month stay in TX last year, the tags on my little "blue bomb" expired. no biggie right? nope.
except! in TX - you need a TX state driver's license (and a myriad of other things - of course) in order to receive new little "blue bomb" tags allowing you to drive around all legal like.

[never mind that the TX state office did not clue me into the little known fact that i could get temporary tags until i got home to TN. right? right.]

anyway on to the tale.

i wait until i need new tags here in TN to go get my driver's license switched back to TN (it hadn't even expired when i had to get a TX one) - which is my legal state of residence.

(by the way, i have lived in and had a TN drivers license for almost 10 years, thank you, grrr)

so, after stopping and asking "what all do i need in order to get my drivers license?"
i gather up all these things and head on back to the drivers license place to get a spanking "brand new" one.

tis not to be.

my original - yes, from the week i was born - birth certificate was not good enough - shrug. ok, fine.
so i go to the passport office and send off all my stuff (including my not good enough birth certificate) to get a new passport.

well - my passport is here

tomorrow? i go back to the drivers license place and will give my spanking "brand new" passport over to this state office to get - yes! you understand now! - a new drivers license.

oh, wait - did i miss something here?

go figure. just another one of those riddles that perplex me i guess.


i am not going to cry

dang it !
roland just buried jake.
eyes are stinging.
had to put the book down.

in case you do not know who roland and jake are. have a visit - Stephen King

run dick run. see dick run. run jane run. see jane run.

MarryAnAmerican : No good American will be left behind!
or you could try here
Migration Expert - Australia
or here
Switzerland Residency

but keep in mind - of course
"Remember that Nixon was reelected with a bigger margin than Bush, but faced impeachment within a year."
Ten Reasons Not to Move to Canada

think i will just stick around and watch the fallout


found words

my brothers and i, watching ships as we wait for the one that will take us to okinawa Posted by Hello

[found on an envelope]

without your past experiences you've learned nothing to prepare you for what lies ahead.

don't look back with regret. life can be very painful, but it only opens the door to the real you.
it makes you stronger and wiser as you go.

the desires you have previously chosen have brought you precisely were you are. right now.
just as surely as the desires you focus on today bring about the substance of your tomorrow.

though you won't get it perfect, do it anyway.
though you don't think you have the time, do it anyway.
though it will challenge you and make you uncomfortable, do it anyway.

only you know what must be done. you know what actions will bring the results you desire.
you know what is right and what is wrong.
you can spend a lifetime making excuses, thinking of reasons why not, but where would that get you?
touch your own sense of excellence and do the right thing.

do it anyways in spite of the bring me downs.

take yourself to the next level.

*i have since found out that this was written by my number two son.
dang jord - i can't express in words to you how much i admire your insight.



4 more years of this.
i smell another vietnam in our history. we just love to meddle.

Vietnam Timeline v.s. Iraq Timeline

The damage to U.S. prestige in the world for its illegal invasion of Iraq is already done. The danger now is that in his desperation to avoid a humiliating U.S. defeat, the repudiation of his entire presidency, and a generation-long disdain for U.S. military power, Bush will resort to apocalyptic barbarism. This is exactly what Nixon did trying to salvage "peace with honor"� in Vietnam. It is this temptation that only the American public can force Bush to resist.

Robert Freeman - Is Iraq another Vietnam? Actually, it may become worse.

So where are the similarities between Iraq and Vietnam? They reside in Washington.

Joe Galloway - Iraq No Vietnam, But There Are Parallels

Cost of War

oh, wait, i don't do politics.
away - i go.