
It's war

I am now ready to do battle with the alcoholic neighbor.
I have his plat and deed, my plat and deed and the surveyor is coming out to re-establish the corners of my property.
He has utterly used up my patience. 6 years of nonsense I have had to put up with.
No more.
Now if he so much as puts a toe on my property I will call the law in.
If he so much as looks at me cross-eyed - I will sue him.
I am done with his nasty rude behavior. I am tired of being harassed. I am tired of my boys being harassed. If his wife can't get a handle on his behavior than I will.
If he still will not stop ..
I intend to rent my house out to the local bad-boy-biker chapter and ask them to party hardy boys.
My nerves are so raw right now - I've lost weight again.
Why this jerk insists on being a .. Jerk .. Is beyond me.
Might have to do with the fact I told him to get off my property the last time he came over drunk and inquired about my sex life and lack of male companionship. Or it might have to do with the fact his septic tank is spewing sewage because his lines are to crapped out and he needs to run new ones and my property looks so inviting?.
Whatever his reasons are I am done with it.
He picked on the wrong woman to try to get one over on.