
shake rattle and babies !

what in the world was that rattle?

i'm doing homework in the bedroom and the bookcase starts shaking and the little treasures i collect when i go on walks with the babies are falling around me onto the bed and i jump up and run into the other room making the babies that are way to young to cope with this making them get up out of bed and come with me into the kitchen to get under the table while everything is shaking and it's like a just like a shake i've felt before at a carnival when i was little and the floor heaves a bit just barely but enough so i know it has done something it shouldn't of done and oh god are the blocks going to hold the trailer when is this going to stop cause the babies are crying and i've got the babies wrapped up in my arms their faces in my armpits and finally finally everything just stops.

later i find out there was an earthquake in los angeles. 120 miles to the north.