
It's war

I am now ready to do battle with the alcoholic neighbor.
I have his plat and deed, my plat and deed and the surveyor is coming out to re-establish the corners of my property.
He has utterly used up my patience. 6 years of nonsense I have had to put up with.
No more.
Now if he so much as puts a toe on my property I will call the law in.
If he so much as looks at me cross-eyed - I will sue him.
I am done with his nasty rude behavior. I am tired of being harassed. I am tired of my boys being harassed. If his wife can't get a handle on his behavior than I will.
If he still will not stop ..
I intend to rent my house out to the local bad-boy-biker chapter and ask them to party hardy boys.
My nerves are so raw right now - I've lost weight again.
Why this jerk insists on being a .. Jerk .. Is beyond me.
Might have to do with the fact I told him to get off my property the last time he came over drunk and inquired about my sex life and lack of male companionship. Or it might have to do with the fact his septic tank is spewing sewage because his lines are to crapped out and he needs to run new ones and my property looks so inviting?.
Whatever his reasons are I am done with it.
He picked on the wrong woman to try to get one over on.


must be spring

Sounds and smells of simple Things

rooster crowing early in the morning

a quail and its eerie, mournful song, muted in the fog laying heavy on the ground

laugher coming from the guys and their friends sitting around the bonfire in the back

the heavy, musky incense of the wisteria that is dripping with lavender

the heady aroma of the first bud from the Anastasia rose bush the guys gave me last year on mom day

the earthy odor of cow manure as farmers plow fields for corn

the green-ness of a freshly mown lawn during a gentle rain


question please

how do you know that you know what you know ?


he said

Society-the selfconsuming dragon
Outside emotion.broken promises.lies.companion.end.pattern.poison.mind.oppresor.meager.
juststartedbutalready over?
raw.violence.public orginization.why.patience almost
oppression-negative previal.but what for?novel literature +
public= media violence demon love hate WHY?
pain love SWAMP. confusionrules over
over.rules!money=corruption-by unchallenged
serious doubts forming.WAR-uglybeast-
peace=detailed fanticism
LOVE?why--thebogisso confusing-Massknowledge by controlled propaganda truth is rarely
commonly agreed upon,greed,hate,LOVEguilt.falling shortofexpectations,only to
rewrite them.your love fuels the hate gives it energy the great knowledge is shared only to come on COMPLETE DE-EVOLUTION by mass suicide,not the suicide of one but of ALL SOCIETY

by jordan beaumont P
Number two son at age 13.
I found this on a slip of paper in a pile of books. I was blown away. He gave it to me. Just WoW is all I can say.


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My two oldest boys paternal grandmother is one of the most beautiful woman I have had the honor of meeting in my life. She has been through more "hells" in her life than I could imagine. Her perception of the world and her place in it has been horrific. For her. Yet she has remained a very caring and kind woman.

How she has chosen to deal with her connection to this planet and the people she comes into contact with on a daily basis, has been an influence on how I deal with my own "perceived" thoughts about people and how I interact or react to others.
(but I have a temper. And a real evil one >.< Therefore my mouth is active when it knows better.)

I have known kate for over 20 years and she just turned 73.
i believe her soul is old and her heart is big.

it amazes me to think we have watched each other grow.

Through my own personnel "hells", I have watched how she has dealt with her "skewed" view of the world. And yes, it is "skewed".
Every Black man, Mexican, Fat Woman (she is obsessed with her weight, health, poop habits), is perceived by her, as a threat to her well being.
She was losing touch with reality when I first met her; back when my oldest was born, and it has deteriorated over the years.
She maintains as long as people leave her alone, but that can not happen as she unwittingly sets herself up for people to ridicule her.
She is obsessed with her "evils" of this world.
She once sang big band, had a job as an airline stewardess and worked for aafes for 20 some odd years. She still at 73 attends college, takes choir classes, sings in church, just to many interests to be listed.
She is an amazing woman.
I only hope I can hold onto my kindness and warmth as I age as well as she has.
Bless you Kate for being a part of my life.



my neighbor to the west of me is one of those good ole, southern, country boy type of guys. he gets up and goes to bed, I'm sure, with a beer can in his hand.
he staggers around, yelling at anything and everything, especially his dogs out back, with a beer can in his hand.
few years back he had prostate cancer and bet he had a beer can in his hand from sunrise to sunset.

how do I know this you ask?

I actually stopped going outside to just "dig" on this third of an acre I worked so hard to pay off so fast, because of him.
I know, I know but it was, just - after a couple of years of having to listen to him and his yelling, his heavily accented, slurred speech and his drunken mannerisms, his offering my then "teen" guys cases of beer "and" having to endure the "visiting" with him on my front porch and him eventually saying words that, in my mind, were not proper for a married man to say to the single neighbor lady.
I just don't like drunks. That's all.

now the older couple that owned the house before the good ole boy, were more my speed. Quiet, friendly - but not invasive, respectful, mind their own business. All that stuff that has to do with manners .. And dignity.

so anyway, one of my kids girlfriend and I were outside cutting down the small tree that decided to grow up over the septic tank and we hear the good ole southern boy out back yelling at his dogs.
the kids and I had figured out years ago he was happiest when he was out there yelling at his dogs, with a beer can in his hand. so we pretty much just got to the point we would ignore it.
once in awhile his yelling would be especially loud or abrasive and it would get my attention. I came so close, a couple of times, to calling the animal humane society and asking them to come see how abused his dogs were.
so we are out cutting the tree down and he is out back yelling at his dogs. I am ignoring this, of course, I'm used to it by now, but this is the first time the girlfriend had heard it.
"what is he yelling about?" she asks.
"he is yelling at his dogs, he abuses them." I told her.
she walks over a little closer to his yard and stands there listening, than busts out laughing.
I'm thinking "wow, she is weird if she thinks him abusing his dogs is funny. Dunno about her."
so she walks back to me and says "he is training them."
"huh. Training? How the hell you train a dog by yelling at them?"
"he's yelling "bird .. bird" than he flaps his arms, claps and yells "bird, bird"
and here I thought he was doing the drunken slurring his words dance every morning for the last 7 years. jeez. ummmm.