
no - you can not have my children

i was kindly pointed to the article below over at snopes - thank you btw.

draft fear
"Since a reimposition of conscription would require Congressional approval, which has not yet been given, it is unlikely that a draft (even if approved by Congress) would be underway as early as Spring 2005"

letting my breath out now.


Government Looking at Military Draft Lists
"The Selective Service System (SSS) and the U.S. Department of Education now are gearing up to compare their computer records, to make sure all men between the ages of 18 and 25 who are required to register for a military draft have done so."

most of my young life was spent growing up in a military family.
my father was in vietnam (two tours of duty if my memory serves me right).
my youngest brother is in afghanistan right now and has had duty in various other third world countries over these last few years.

growing up an army brat was an enlightening experience for me, we were introduced to different cultures and mind-sets that most people i know don't have the privilege of experiencing. but that is another topic.

i am very concerned with this scrutinizing of the draft records. two of my sons are of age and registered but i am so totally opposed to this iraq fiasco.
oh, what to do - what to do.

*do not get me wrong.
i support our troops one hundred percent.
what i do not agree with is this senseless killing of innocents.

now - of course, my perfect world would include the ability for our military to take out the scumbags yet allow the innocent mothers and children caught up in this to be able to function in a semi-normal manner.
so much for a perfect world.

i am a mother what the hell else you expect? i am selfish.
i don't want to be one of the poor mothers that have already lost their precious sons and daughters to this war.

our government is out of control. period.