
odd rules

during my one month stay in TX last year, the tags on my little "blue bomb" expired. no biggie right? nope.
except! in TX - you need a TX state driver's license (and a myriad of other things - of course) in order to receive new little "blue bomb" tags allowing you to drive around all legal like.

[never mind that the TX state office did not clue me into the little known fact that i could get temporary tags until i got home to TN. right? right.]

anyway on to the tale.

i wait until i need new tags here in TN to go get my driver's license switched back to TN (it hadn't even expired when i had to get a TX one) - which is my legal state of residence.

(by the way, i have lived in and had a TN drivers license for almost 10 years, thank you, grrr)

so, after stopping and asking "what all do i need in order to get my drivers license?"
i gather up all these things and head on back to the drivers license place to get a spanking "brand new" one.

tis not to be.

my original - yes, from the week i was born - birth certificate was not good enough - shrug. ok, fine.
so i go to the passport office and send off all my stuff (including my not good enough birth certificate) to get a new passport.

well - my passport is here

tomorrow? i go back to the drivers license place and will give my spanking "brand new" passport over to this state office to get - yes! you understand now! - a new drivers license.

oh, wait - did i miss something here?

go figure. just another one of those riddles that perplex me i guess.