

been a difficult last couple of weeks.

it has brought to my mind, again, the meaning of our humaness and how it flows through our inner concept of self.
- questioning us, what does this mean to me as a human - to be human.
how do i outwardly show what this concept of being human means to me.

we live our human-ess day in and day out.
- this human-ess. this sense of being alive. of responding to our own needs in a constructive manner
- or not
- of responding to the people intimately involved in our circle of human-ess
- or not.

how do we behave due to our perceptions of what is involved in this time consuming process of being
- what does it mean - this act of being a human.

have we lost it.?


your suffering is my suffering and your happiness is my happiness.
shakyamuni Buddha

possibly, compassion is a word others can understand
- or not.
is it innate? taught? a flash?
enlightenment is a term i have seen used. often.

have we lost our ability to be compassionate?
our ability to feel another's pain. to give of ourselves from the being rather than from the material atoms that swirl around us daily.

than a stranger enters your life. giving of themselves in a manner that you know comes from the heart. not from the 'what do i gain from this' line of thought but a giving of themselves that humbles you and makes you realize your not as human as you could be in your own life.

meeting such a person restores a bit of the lost faith and innocence, the trust that you had lost because of the carelessness of the one not understanding their "humaness" and what it means to act humanly.

we have lost the feeling of these words.

the churches spew it out, but only if you agree with what they are spewing out - only if - then the compassion is allowed to surface.
that has it's price.

and i ramble because i am very confused and my pain is overwhelming.

tomorrow will be different i know.

our past is unavailable and lost - our future is what we are right now.
i want to be more human in my future regardless of the cliffs that block me.