

Made up two 4x8 raised beds using these instructions from The Pioneer Woman. I combined the raised bed with a square foot gardening system. (I only made mine one board high. Had to be frugal with the dirt.)

One bed has been planted with vegetables, herbs and flowers, the other is sitting empty till I get more top soil together.

With all the rain we have had here in Middle Tennessee, I was worried my seed would rot in the ground. Nope. It's coming along nicely. This I believe is because they are sitting up higher in the raised bed and draining.

I have peas along the back North side in half of the bed, zucchini and yellow long neck squash in the other half. Then coming South is one tomato, one bell pepper, oregano and parsley.
Then beets, carrots, lemon thyme, sweet basil.
Then! garlic, spinach and cosmos.

While my neighbors seed rotted in the ground. My garden is growing like a huge weed.
Daily I pull any weeds and check for insects.

Can hardly wait to start harvesting.