
nuturing of spirit

driving into the center we spotted 2 does and 3 fawns grazing on the hill along the "Stations of the Cross" trail.
as we walked towards the lotus pond and Grotto, dedicated to Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, they would stop grazing - turning as one to stare at us for a few moments.
again, as if by a hidden signal, their heads dipped down as one, intent once more on their grazing, not bothered by our presence in the least.

the carekeeper drove up to unlock the chapel and hall for us all the while relating to us the incredible story of one Priest Chavara from Kerala, India that inspired the order of Catholic Priests named the "Carmelites of Mary Immaculate".

we walked into the chapel and as i looked around at the stained glass windows, Jesus on the cross above the altar, the hardwood floors and ceiling, the restored "Stations of the Cross" plagues, all lovingly done by hand .. i was quickly overwhelmed.
dang eyes - smarted, dang nose got stuffed up.

if you ever find yourself near Liberty,TN. treat yourself to the beauty of this gift of love nestled in the TN hills.

Larry the carekeeper, who in actuality is so much more to the wonder that is the Carmel Center of Spirituality, is an endless source of information and how this "piece of heaven on earth" came to be.

Carmel Center of Spirituality
Located 55 miles southeast of Nashville in rural Liberty, TN, is owned and operated by the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate, an order of Catholic priests established in 1831 in Kerala, India.

Drop Larry or Bonnie Bean a line if you plan to visit at
- Carmel Center of Spirituality
P.O. Box 117
Liberty, TN 37095

P.S. as soon as i either - [1] get a new scanner to replace the one my kid stepped on or [2] get batteries and a cable for the digital camera a friend loaned me - i will post some pictures from the brochure i picked up.