
house breathes

i swear, my house breathes kids.

you can almost see my house inhale and in they come, flowing through the living room, bumping the crates and guitars into the door jambs in their hurry to get set up and banging.

inhale out, they flow out and i have silence for maybe - 15 minutes.
another breath in and another set of kids present themselves, ready to go at it.

don't get me wrong, i am not complaining at all.
this has been going on since my kids were 1 and 2 years old.
i had pots and wooden spoons set aside just for them to bang away on and if neighbor kids showed up, out came more pots and wooden spoons.. but outside.
we had set up the yard as a kiddy wonderland, just so neighbor kids would come to "our" house to play. that way i knew just where my kids were at all times.
as they got older and the gear got vastly more expensive they moved into the barn. now it is the back of the house. go figure.

i also know how empty my life would be with out this constant breathing.
thank you life, for the little pleasures you give me.