
web site stuff

since i've dropped prodigy as an isp [funny they would have toll free dialup numbers in little eagleville tenn miles away from no where, but not one dialup number for the lake area that is like 5 mins from major city escondido. go figure] i lost the space i had to store my photos, main webpage index, etc. so in my quest to totally make all this *web stuff free to accomplish, i went hunting again for free hosters. mark, my friend in watertown that takes care of the crackerbarrel feedback sites was kind enough to give me 20mg on his server but i can not get the ftp stuff figured out yet and he was still in costa rica and i in calif as i was trying to do a switch over from prodigy to his server. so the hands on learning curve was way off it's - well curve. *boomspeed: offers 1mg of space for free. *esmartstart: offers 20mg and a bag of goodies. i'm finding myself using the esmartstart alot as it's easy to understand, simple to use, and reliable.

so -- i've been busy making a new site from scratch .. prodigy uses the wusiwug type template and now i've gone out and attempted to put together a site. beware. it is a free site so there are those dreaded annoying popups. make sure you have your pop up stopper gear on. or just put up with it. there are only three and if you leave them open and minimized it's not as disturbing. *h3arts0ngs