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My two oldest boys paternal grandmother is one of the most beautiful woman I have had the honor of meeting in my life. She has been through more "hells" in her life than I could imagine. Her perception of the world and her place in it has been horrific. For her. Yet she has remained a very caring and kind woman.

How she has chosen to deal with her connection to this planet and the people she comes into contact with on a daily basis, has been an influence on how I deal with my own "perceived" thoughts about people and how I interact or react to others.
(but I have a temper. And a real evil one >.< Therefore my mouth is active when it knows better.)

I have known kate for over 20 years and she just turned 73.
i believe her soul is old and her heart is big.

it amazes me to think we have watched each other grow.

Through my own personnel "hells", I have watched how she has dealt with her "skewed" view of the world. And yes, it is "skewed".
Every Black man, Mexican, Fat Woman (she is obsessed with her weight, health, poop habits), is perceived by her, as a threat to her well being.
She was losing touch with reality when I first met her; back when my oldest was born, and it has deteriorated over the years.
She maintains as long as people leave her alone, but that can not happen as she unwittingly sets herself up for people to ridicule her.
She is obsessed with her "evils" of this world.
She once sang big band, had a job as an airline stewardess and worked for aafes for 20 some odd years. She still at 73 attends college, takes choir classes, sings in church, just to many interests to be listed.
She is an amazing woman.
I only hope I can hold onto my kindness and warmth as I age as well as she has.
Bless you Kate for being a part of my life.