
racism in the south

oh yah, got a beef. meant to yak about this the night it happened but we got involved in a discussion of 'manners' and just when is it appropriate to speak up concerning an injustice.

so - jord and kat go out to eat with kat's friends from brentwood and franklin.
(they picked a mexican restaurant to do this in)
kat's friends start slamming the workers because they were from mexico and mexican and spoke better spanish than english and so on and so on. jord doesn't put up with that in any circumstance and he told me the mind blower was that these 'rich, but ignorant, kids' did it right in the servers faces and not behind their backs like most good racists do.
they made rude, loud, caustic comments according to jord.
so ~ of course jord spoke up. boy, i guess the shinola hit the fan. jord lost his temper, kat became upset due to jord's 'rudeness' towards her friends in pointing out their 'racism' (snort) and it spilled over into the whole house later that night.

i am proud of you jord. even in and through discomfort you stuck up for what you knew was right and wrong.

who the f**k cares about 'manners' (again, i laugh) when this type of thinking is so blatant among our young here in the south. i'll step down while it's still a short entry.