
on being sensitive

Ok, so I am told by my male boarder, who has rented out from me for over a year, that he is a cross dresser!!
Ok, I can handle that, but now he is walking around in ladies lacy underwear ?
Ok, I can be as open minded as the next girlie but just something isn't kosher about a dude that is 6'9" and looks like Abe Lincoln strutting around in lacy underwear.
Ok, when I use the word "Ok" to many times you know I am a tad bugged.



racism in the south

oh yah, got a beef. meant to yak about this the night it happened but we got involved in a discussion of 'manners' and just when is it appropriate to speak up concerning an injustice.

so - jord and kat go out to eat with kat's friends from brentwood and franklin.
(they picked a mexican restaurant to do this in)
kat's friends start slamming the workers because they were from mexico and mexican and spoke better spanish than english and so on and so on. jord doesn't put up with that in any circumstance and he told me the mind blower was that these 'rich, but ignorant, kids' did it right in the servers faces and not behind their backs like most good racists do.
they made rude, loud, caustic comments according to jord.
so ~ of course jord spoke up. boy, i guess the shinola hit the fan. jord lost his temper, kat became upset due to jord's 'rudeness' towards her friends in pointing out their 'racism' (snort) and it spilled over into the whole house later that night.

i am proud of you jord. even in and through discomfort you stuck up for what you knew was right and wrong.

who the f**k cares about 'manners' (again, i laugh) when this type of thinking is so blatant among our young here in the south. i'll step down while it's still a short entry.


busy busy

being lax on the blogger updating. selling on ebay is going better than i expected and really keeping me hopping. my mistake was listing so many darn things at once. be good to get it all out the door though so i can concentrate on getting the stuff i'm keeping straight. be good to be sewing again too, actually. been awhile.

love the new blogger. wonder if j has had time to look at it. have to remind him to take a lookie loo.

pulling boxes out of the back storage closet and with my palm (yup) i'm swiping baby brown recluses as i go.
i really need to bomb 'em outta there one of these days.


brought to you by the letters I and J

1. your internet connection seem slow lately? try this and clean them pipes right on out. pipe scrubber
2. new update avail for the internet. hurry. downloadwww
3. weapons of mass destruction? proof - at last?


around the house doings


some of my button collection. couldn't get em all on here. the clean up would of been yucky

buttons. i have many, many tins of old and wonderful buttons. fat mother of pearl, leather, seeded pearls, ceramic, stone, ironwood, shell, enamel. on and on. i love them and what they represent. a little slice of a woman's sewing life. if only they could whisper.

sewing. yeah, back to sewing. boxes are taking up space in the living room waiting for me to open them up and trip down memory lane while i figure out just what i have to work with. found superman capes and an old halloween clown costume that jord won a contest with, most of my old antique hankies that i want to turn into a quilt. so much. all the stuff barbie laid on me before i moved could fill a small shop just in it's self. maybe this will help me get out of my phunk.