

jordan in two art classes this semester *mtsu, one of the classes runs over 150 bucks in art supplies. scrambling to get the green bills for the junk. his pell grant was short this term - dab - nab it. there has to be other resources on campus, he just hasn't learned to hunt them out yet.

he enrolled in a math and an english class. not honors this term though. no. no. he says he doesn't want to have to work that hard .. not with art - his fav - heck no, need the time to do the art .. ok ok. at least he is keeping on track and not doing what i like to do .. take all the classes that interest me and stick the requireds in here and there.

he got a job in the community area ~ food service ~ .. so that will keep him in pocket change. whee, here we go again. maybe i should just go back to school with him.