
BOTB Nashville, TN 01/18/09

Catch my son and his band Awake in the Grave at the Muse in Nashville 01/18/09



"Happiness, sought by many and found by few ... is a matter entirely within ourselves; our environment and the everyday happenings of life have absolutely no effect on our happiness except as we permit mental images of the outside to enter our consciousness.
Happiness is wholly independent of position, wealth, or material possessions. It is a state of mind which we ourselves have the power to control - and that control lies within our thinking.

Claude M. Bristol

I'm on a quote kick watch out!


Philosophy logic

"God is Dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God

"Therefore, Nietzsche is God." -Plato

found - Blame it on the Voices

Got Pooh?

"Rabbit's clever," said Pooh thoughtfully.

"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit's clever."

"And he has Brain."

"Yes," said Piglet, "Rabbit has Brain."

"I suppose," said Pooh, "that that's why he never understands Anything."

-- The Tao of Pooh



Heaven in one bite

NM COOKIES (Recipe may be halved)

2 (500 ml) cups butter
24 oz. (680 g) chocolate chips
4 (1000 ml) cups flour
2 (500 ml) cups brown sugar
2 tsp. (10 ml) (Bicarb) soda
1 tsp. (5 ml) salt
2 (500 ml) cups sugar
18 oz. (500 g) Hershey Bar (grated). (Cadbury chocolate for
Australians & South Africans)
5 (1250 ml) cups blended oatmeal
4 eggs
2 tsp. (10 ml) baking powder
2 tsp. (10 ml) vanilla
3 cups (375 ml) chopped nuts (optional)

Measure oatmeal, and blend in a blender to a fine powder.
Cream the butter and both sugars.
Add eggs and vanilla, mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and Bicarb (soda).
Add chocolate chips, Hershey Bar, and nuts.
Roll into balls, and place two inches apart on a cookie sheet.
Bake for 10 minutes at (180 °C) 375 degrees.

The above quantities make 112 cookies.



Life is all about choices.

When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice.

You choose how you react to situations.

You choose how people affect your mood.

You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood.

The bottom line: It's your choice how you live your life.

Attitude is Everything


He is here !

6.9 lbs - 19.5 in - Meiko Densmore Peirce (Sam)- April 9th, 08

He is beautiful!
Will post pics soon as the kids upload them.


Re-thinking yourself

Joseph LeDoux, a neuroscientist at New York University and perhaps the world's leading expert on emotional memory, has found that whenever we bring to mind a strong emotional memory and think about it differently than we had before, it actually gets chemically recorded in the brain in a whole new way. A process of introspection can actually change the way that memory is imprinted on our brains, providing a neural basis to lasting changes in our behaviors and habits of mind.

And just as our relationships with our parents shape our neural circuitry, so too can our adult relationships help rewire us for connection and security. Siegel points out that our relationships as adults can "reparent" us. For example, if someone who was not given a secure base in childhood marries someone who was, research shows that that shaky person will gradually become more secure.

"Research absolutely demonstrates that if you take the time to make sense of what happened to you, then you can free yourself up to develop your own sense of security inside of you, and also have children who have a secure attachment to you", says Siegel. It's a hopeful message: No matter what happened to us in childhood, we never stop growing.

Greater Good

Ohne Dich




i need you to understand
how much you taught me.
of being.
of lust
of quiet being
of self
of understanding
of longing
of rejection
of self
of joy
of sexual satisfaction
and how much i gave up of myself in order to wait.
for a thing that was never mine to begin with.
and what that taught me of "being"

how much i wanted to delve into this being of you. and learn. and not understanding why i couldn't. and crying and begging and you not understanding this need, this insane need.
like a part of myself that was missing. an essential part of myself that i thought only you could teach me to be whole. and as unfair, as it was and is, of me to ask. i still want to be on my knees to beg you to teach me. the essence of you. "although i doubt you even know what that is. to be honest does anyone?"

and how insane this need of mine is. how I've tried to let go of you and the "my" thoughts of you, go. and how it isn't going to happen for me. how this matter of age that i think is the problem but really it isn't it is just "i'm not for you" in your mind.

i know it's not workable. i knew, i know. i knew. but can you? blame me for wanting the elixir of my being? the desire.

even if you destroy me in the process, i was and am willing to accept that.
talk about giving up self.

And life goes on.